Hélène Reinhard

Nationality: French
Age: ok, almost 24…

Academic cursus:

- now in the last year of my architecture studies in Paris La Villette school. My final project is a development centre of alternative construction techniques in Nova Iguacu, Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil.
- 6th year of studies spent in Bento Rubiao, Brazilian ONG, where I’ve done my internship.
- 4th year spent as exchange student (ERASMUS) in the Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade Técnica de Lisboa (Portugal)
- 1st and 2nd year spent in the architecture school of Lyon (France)


Blogger Unknown said...

hey helene
I'm curious about your work in bento Rubiao. Can I have your emailadress, so that I can mail you? Renee (from the netherlands)

7:46 AM  

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